button down: I made it, skirt: thrifted, shoes: thrifted/diy (diy found HERE), tie: cut off another dress
A daughter to probably the best parents ever and also my Heavenly Father. When I got married, all the sudden I got homesick. While being single I was NEVER homesick. I mean, I loved my family but I was okay being away from them for periods of time. Then all the sudden I just missed being able to go home and see my parents. They're honestly the best and I miss them so much! See you in July mom and dad! Love you so much. Or here's an idea, come see me again!
I am a wife. Sometimes it freaks me out to say that word. I actually don't like the word. I also don't like the word husband. It's sounds so official. Also, I have a baby face and ever time I mention I have a hubs I get the "look" the "you look 12" "are you even legal?" "why?" and I just smile and say, "yes."
I am a student. Two more semesters people! I could have graduated this semester but let's just not talk about that... But seriously! I'll be a graduate and it scares me to think that I actually have to go get a job. Or make babies. And babies just freak me out. So we'll go with the job. A JOB. Damn, I'm scared. Also, I think that's the first time I've sworn on this blog. But sometimes you just need a good cuss word to express yourself.
I'm also a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And yes, sometimes I'm imperfect and I swear. Sue me. But honestly, the gospel is who I am. I believe in this church with my whole being. When I was 14, I was laying on a bench in the wilderness wondering who I was and what I stood for. I remember praying and asking, "Heavenly Father, do you love me? Me: Katherine Beckstead. Some 14 year old girl with no clue to who she is." A feeling came upon me that consumed me and overwhelmed me with the love that God had for me. He knew me. He knew my heart. He loved me. That moment has stayed with me every since and I know for a fact that I am loved by my Heavenly Father. I also know that Christ lives and that the Atonement saves lives. It's saved mine countless times. I also know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Christ and if we pray and ask questions, Heavenly Father will speak to us through it. If anyone is interested in a copy of the Book of Mormon, I would be happy to send you a copy. It changes lives. It really does.
I am a blogger. I kind of put everything else before blogging, but I really do love being a fashion blogger! And I love my followers. I love all of your comments and support and just how dang nice you all are! Sometimes it's hard to put yourself out there and tell your feelings, but I have had nothing but support and love from everyone. There's only been one comment that was mean and I honestly really appreciate that it's only been one! Thank you all so much.
I am silly and weird. I feel like most people don't even know this little fun fact about me. It takes a lot for me to break out of my norm and just be the silly person I am. I think Rob is really the only person who knows the extent of my silliness. I think he didn't even know how silly I was until we got married. Oh, but my family knows of my weirdness. I break out in dance. I sing extremely loud. I make inappropriate jokes. I say stupid things. I think I'm funny. You'll know we're good friends when this side of me comes out.
Who are you?