jacket, blouse, jeans: thrifted
After 9 months of being married, I officially changed my name on all documents. I am no longer Katherine Beckstead. I am Katherine Hill. I always wanted a shorter last name. I always felt like my name was a million letters long. One time Rob and I were laying in bed talking and I said: "I always wanted to marry someone with a three letter last name. So this is perfect." Rob then stated: "It's four letters..." Sometimes I'm an idiot. But honestly, having the last name Hill is awesome. Everyone knows how to spell it. With Beckstead I always got asked how to spell it and how to pronounce it. Now it's just Hill. Now if I could just get everyone to call me Kitty my name would even be shorter. I've ALWAYS been a Katherine though. Never Kate, Katie, Kat, Kit, Kathy. My parents named me Katherine Claire so that I could be KC but it just never stuck. I'll be a Katherine until a die. This was a stupid post. I'm sorry if you read all of that.
Kitty is adorable. Kitty Hill is even better. I would totally call you Kitty.
ReplyDeleteTry having "Gawkoski" as your last name growing up. :) Switching to Lamkin has been a breeze.
ReplyDeleteThe opposite happened to me! I actually waited a full year to change my name from Turner to Houpt. I've had a lot of people think it's spelled "Haupt" and it drives me crazy! So I miss my easy last name! Also, I always thought it would be funny to marry someone with the last name Hill... because then I'd be Beverly Hill, haha.
ReplyDeletehahahah omg. this post cracked me up. I actually JUST changed my name with BYU yesterday, and got my new license today!! changing your name is a pain!!! hahah. Now I gotta take care of my passports and i'll finally be done... maybe... i think... haha
ReplyDeleteHahahaha. I read it all.
ReplyDeletehahaha. This post was great. Congratulations on getting all of that paperwork and waiting at the DMV done.
ReplyDeleteHaha! So funny. I totally get the having to spell your last name and being asked how it's pronounced. A 13 letter last name with a hyphen is not the easiest ha.
ReplyDeleteI didn't think that was stupid! I love that you don't go by a nickname. I can't stand when people name their kids something like Aubrey but always call them Bree... so why didn't you just name her bree? Haha. And Katherine Hill just sounds so pretty I just have to say (: I am excited to be getting rid of Smiley in a few months. People ask how to spell it too... I'm always like yes, yes its spelled just like Smiley face.
ReplyDeleteOh and your outfit is fabulous!
<3 Danielle
Changing your last name is hard! I had to do it really fast after I was married because we were flying to see my family for the holidays and I put my married name so I had to get a new photo ID. It was pretty chaotic since I was also in school that semester and moving into a new apartment. I'm glad it's over, though.
ReplyDeleteMy maiden name was a long B name, too. Benkenstein. No one knows how to say it. Luckily my married name is Poole and the only question I get about it is if it has an "e" on the end.
I did read that entire post... haha it was entertaining. I wish people would call you Kitty that would be fun. I just realized my old last name and new have the exact same amount of letters.
ReplyDeleteHahaha! I totally understand that, but in sort of a different way. Everyone thinks they know how to spell Sara(h), so they usually add the H without even asking... sooooo frustrating! Hahaha! I love the blazer, by the way!
I read it all too! When I was little I wanted a really really long name so I could say it fast and be really good at saying it. I don't really know why, but now- signing things never fits completely on the dotted lines!
ReplyDeleteGreat job! I married a Hill 5.5 years ago, and still haven't changed my last name. Just never got around to it. One of my goals this year is to actually change it, especially since it says Hill on my college degree. I did manage to change my name at BYU, but that was it.
ReplyDeleteYour post was cute. I've been married just over a year and still haven't changed my name. Whoops.
ReplyDeleteOh, and one more comment :). I grew up with a weird spelling of a normal last name (Dunken) and always had to spell it for people which was annoying. And now I am married with a normal name but spelled weird again (Englund).
ReplyDeleteBig step! I was so relieved when that was finally done... it was such a long process. But it took some getting used to. But now, it is weird hearing my previous last name... only took 7 years haha.
wow again
ReplyDeletehaha no I love this post! Glad you're officially a Hill. And I love how you thought it was three letters for a bit.