skirt, blouse, belt, purse: thrifted, shoes: gift
It's been a busy week my friends! Busy but good. Here is what happened:
1. General Conference blew my mind. I felt so much love and happiness from those men and women who stood at that pulpit and proclaimed their love for Christ and our Heavenly Father. I definitely learned so much and am trying everyday to implement the counsel given. I especially loved this talk. President Uchtdorf always inspires me to be better. Such a precious man.
2. My financial aid FINALLY came in. Only a month late! It was such a hassle but I am so grateful for the funds that I am able to receive to go to school. Also a BIG thanks to my mom and dad for paying my tuition when it was due. I'm happy I get to pay them back this week.
3. I deleted my facebook. It's kind of a long story but basically, I just got jealous every time I logged on. I saw pictures of friends doing fun things and was sad that I wasn't invited/there. It was making me feel less than I was... that my life was boring. So, I deleted that negative impact on my life. I didn't really care about half the people I followed anyway. I was becoming jealous and sad for no reason. To be completely honest, I don't miss it at all.
4. I might have found an internship. I don't want to jinx it because I haven't applied yet, but I toured the facility on Wednesday and I had the most amazing experience. I felt like I could really contribute and make a difference AND do something that I love and have a testimony of. I know that's really vague, but it's not even near to being set and stone. I of course need to apply first.
There's lately for ya.
Justin and I deleted our facebooks before we got married! And we don't miss it at all either! Such a waste of time,and it's true I'd stalk others and be jealous of their fun times,perfect skin, cute clothes, fabulous parties.... it's such a negative influence! I love not having one (:
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute outfit. Maroon and navy are absolutely one of my favorite color combinations!!!!!!!!!!! perfect outfit.
Man oh man, I know what you mean about facebook. It was only really bad when I first got married and everyone was saying how AWESOME their husbands were and all the cute/thoughtful things they do for them on a daily basis, and it really bothered me because I felt like my husband should be doing those same things, haha. I was always comparing my relationship with their's. So tiring! So yeah, people need to learn not to brag so much on fb. Internet etiquette, people.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the internship!
I saw your shirt and just about did a twinner double-take. I swear on my blog I have that shirt's sister in white with black polka dots, neck tie and all! If only I weren't trying to sell it on my etsy to save up enough money for that economic toilet they call college.
ReplyDeleteI've really gone on and off with myself about whether I want to delete my facebook or not - obviously most of me doesnt WANT to. But I have similar issues, as well as people thinking that I am their best friend, thinking theyk now me really well, because of them seeing my facebook stuff. It just weirds me out sometimes, so I have settled for now on limiting my fb use and what I share on there. Good on you for deleting it completely!
good for you for deleting your facebook! i did the same thing {for the 2nd time} today. i could live with one less distraction... now to control blogger.... hmmm....
brooke elyse
facebook... i may need to delete mine completely. i recently deleted it off my phone and even that freedom has been incredible.
ReplyDeletecan't wait to hear more about the internship. apply apply apply!
We were in the same boat because of financial aid, but it was all our fault for filing taxes so late. It definitely made me appreciate school and being able to go to school right now. :) Good luck on the internship. I know what you mean about not wanting to jinx it, not that I'm superstitious, knock on wood. :)
ReplyDeletegeneral conference blew my mind too. nearly blew my heart right out of my chest, that is just how much i felt over conference weekend. can't wait to hear more about the internship!
ReplyDeleteI've also gone through a facebook cleanse recently... I took it off my phone and now I don't check it nearly as often. I felt like I was spending way too much time on it and I agree... I don't miss it one bit. Good luck with the internship!
swaney e
I LOVE your shirt! I am dying to thrift a gem like that! I have contemplated deleting my facebook so so much, maybe one day I will brave up enough and just do it!
ReplyDeleteyou are adorable!!
I love that skirt. And all those things sounds wonderful. I've been toying with the idea of deleting my facebook account but all my friends are all across Canada and I don't want to lose touch. But I think it's awesome that you were able to do that.
First of all, isn't Uchtdorf the best?? His talks are always good. Without fail.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I can totally sympathize with the whole Facebook thing. I felt the exact same way! I saw all the fun things everyone else was doing and it always left me feeling lonely and sad so earlier this year I deleted it and I've never been happier! It's so nice to know that I'm not the only one who had that problem! Thanks for sharing! -Kinsey
You are so cute! I've been thinking about deleting fb too but I have like five or six people that I am in contact with (who I love) only via fb....that is pretty much the only thing I care about...the rest truly is a major time waster.
ReplyDeleteLove you!!
Ps come join our link up over on sisters 4 we need u and your fabulous ways;-)