sweater, shirt, shoes: thrifted, skirt: I can't remember the name of the store...
My grandma passed away 11 years ago today. I think I was 8 and what I do remember is loving her. She was a beautiful woman inside and out.
She made cakes. Probably hundreds in her lifetime. I remember right before she died, my sister wanted her to make her wedding cake but she was too ill to do so. I know that broke my grandmothers heart that she couldn't. In third grade she made me a barbie cake. You know the cake's that have the barbie standing up and her dress made out of cake? Yup. My grandma made that just for me.
She made beautiful jewelry. One Christmas I remember she made rings and necklaces for all of her granddaughters They were handmade with such love and talent. One day I wore them to the pool and in the locker room I took them off to go swim and I forgot them there. I wish so badly that I still had that ring. My sisters both wear theirs to this day and I can't help but be a little jealous.
She crocheted blankets. On another Christmas she made blankets for all of her grandchildren. All 20 of them. I can't even imagine how much time that took her. I still have mine to this day. It's laying at the end of my bed at home. It's a part of her that I will always have with me. After she died, my grandpa let me have as many blankets as I wanted that she made. I love the detail that my grandma put into each blanket. Each one is different and unique.
There are two things that I remember about my grandmother the most--her hugs and her hands. She gave the best hugs. She squeezed you just the right amount. Not too hard, but enough to let you know and feel how much she loved you. I had a couple cousins say that when she died, they felt her hug them. I can't wait to feel that hug again. The second are her hands. She worked hard her whole life and you could tell by her hands. But I always remember just thinking they were beautiful. They were small but strong and I feel that she used her hands to express her talents. Aside from baking, jewelry making, crocheting, she was an amazing bowler and cook. I remember the last time I saw her bowl, she got a turkey! Her hands were her talents and she shared them with every one around her.
Before she died, I remember praying that God would just make her better. My dad then had to tell me that sometimes it just doesn't always work that way but soon she would be released from her pain and be in a better place. I know that she watches over me. I have felt her presence in my life. I know for a fact she was there on my wedding day.
I could go on and on about my sweet grandma. She couldn't say Washington correct to save her life and we all teased her about it. She went on walks everyday. She had dark tan skin. She was beautiful.
I was young when she died and I feel as though I didn't get to know her as well I wish. But I know that there if life after this and I will be able to visit with her and learn more about her. I love my sweet memories of her and I will always hold them dear to me.
Ranae Bailey Beckstead; I love and miss you. I'll see you soon. I can't wait to hug you.
Grandparents are the best! I'm glad you have such great memories of your grandma!
ReplyDeleteLove the outfit by the way. Peter pan collars = the best!
Such a sweet post... I absolutely adore her name. She sounds like a wonderful woman :)
swaney e
I always wished that I met her!, thank you for this lovely post.
ReplyDeleteLove you!
She was a wonderful mother and grandmother. I always wish my children could have grown up close to her. You are lucky to have been able to live close to her so you could see her often and feel her love. I miss her too!!!
ReplyDeletewhat a beautiful tribute. grandmothers really are the best.
ReplyDeleteI love your style and your cute outfits. thrifting is my favorite pastime! but I never find as cool of things as you. maybe I need to look harder and be more creative. Yeah, I just had to tell you, your style is awesome!!